
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Training for Community Sport Coaches (PHSCA-1)

Players Health is pleased to offer community coaches the opportunity to learn how to recognize sudden cardiac arrest and how to respond in a situation where SCA is suspected.

This course features publicly available videos created by and used with permission from the University of Washington Medicine Center for Sports Cardiology. You will be asked to complete a short knowledge check afterward to assess your retention of the video content and earn a certificate of completion.

NOTE: The information contained in this course is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, or be a substitute for, medical advice or care. Players Health strongly recommends that any individual regularly working with athletes have First Aid, CPR and AED training/certification and regularly maintain this qualification.

For Ohio-based coaches, please take the Lindsay's Law sudden cardiac arrest training.
  • Course Statement
  • Pre-Course Knowlege Check
  • What Does Sudden Cardiac Arrest Look Like? (2:00)
  • Simple Emergency Action Plan for Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)
  • How to Recognize and Manage Sudden Cardiac Arrest (10:37)
  • Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Assessment
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 2 years